Quale strumenti suoni?

English Translation

Which instruments do you play?

Se non sbaglio, c’è un altro errore qui. Penso che si possa dire “quali strumenti suoni” o “quale strumento suoni” ma non “quale strumenti suoni.”


Sono d’accordo con te; -)

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I agree as well. So how does one fix this sort of errors on clozemaster? It feels like reporting it doesn’t do anything.

I often add a note via the tiny pencil symbol. I then try not to dwell on mistakes and move on so I don’t waste learning time.

Sure, but that only fixes it for me and not the others who might get confused in the future!

Have you used the red Report button? I have reported errors in Italian through that channel in the past, and it has worked. I can’t tell about how well it works at present, though.

Doesn’t the correction show up for others? I thought it did. I see correction notes by others in some of my exercises. Few sites are perfect I’m afraid, at least we can discuss corrections here and learn from them. The *strumenti query is now firmly fixed!

@morbrorper I have, so hopefully it will get handled. I assumed that the person that opened this discussion reported it as well and that was more than half a year ago, that’s why I thought that there’s something wrong with the report system. Out of curiosity, I checked the state of another sentence that I reported a while back and that one is fixed :slight_smile: The system seems to work!

@Floria7 Oh, does it? I didn’t think it would, but I might be completely wrong here. Anyway, I didn’t want to sound too negative or anything like that, I think this site is great :slight_smile:

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