Pli bone, ke vi tuj revenu hejmen.

English Translation

You better return home right away.

The phrase “Pli bone, ke vi tuj revenu hejmen.” in Esperanto can be broken down and explained as follows for someone learning the language:

"Pli bone" translates to "better" or "it's better". "Pli" means "more", and "bone" is the adverb form of "bona", which means "good". When combined, they suggest a preference for a better option or situation.

"ke" is a conjunction meaning "that", and it is used to introduce a subordinate clause.

"vi" is the pronoun for "you" in the second person singular.

"tuj" is an adverb meaning "immediately" or "right away".

"revenu" is the imperative form of the verb "reveni", which means "to come back" or "to return". The imperative is used here to give a direct command or strong suggestion.

"hejmen" is the accusative form of "hejmo", which means "home". In Esperanto, the accusative case is often marked by the suffix "-n" and primarily indicates the direct object of a verb. However, in this context, it is used to show direction towards a place, hence "to home". The accusative is used here instead of a preposition to indicate motion towards the home.

Put together, “Pli bone, ke vi tuj revenu hejmen.” means “It’s better that you (should) return home immediately.” This sentence could be used to advise or instruct someone that the preferred action is for them to go home right away. It carries a sense of urgency and importance regarding the person’s return home.