English Translation
There is no life without electricity and water.
Strom kann dich töten. = current can kill you.
Doesn’t Strom mean current, not electricity ?
There is no life without electricity and water.
Strom kann dich töten. = current can kill you.
Doesn’t Strom mean current, not electricity ?
Yes, literally, “Strom” means current, stream or flow.
When used by itself in this way It is short for “elektrischer Strom” (i.e. electric current), and means “electricity” in general as a layman’s term.
Of course, when electrical engineers talk about Strom, they only mean the current (Amperes).
So, the translation is correct, as that is what Strom means in everyday use.
Derived terms include:
Stromrechnung - electricity bill
den Strom abstellen - to cut off the power (circuit breaker or power switch)
Stromausfall - power outage/failure, blackout
Stromschlag - electric shock
Stromzähler - electricity meter
Stromanbieter - electricity provider (company)
Stromschwankung - current fluctuation
Stromkreis - electric circuit
There is no life without electricity and water.
Manche Leute leben ohne Strom.