Nous avons discuté du sujet en profondeur.

English Translation

We discussed the matter at large.

This is really just a comment about the translation. “at large” in this context would typically mean “generally” in American English. Wordnik (in wikipedia) lists an obsolete definition of “at large” to mean “in full, fully”. Another source lists “fully” as a British definition (in the Collins Dictionary) So “en profondueur” meaning “in-depth” better matches the obsolete or British definition, but not the current definition in American English of “at large”. It made me a little crazy until I worked it out. I like “en général” better for American English.

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“Dans les grandes lignes”, is another way to convey the “at large / overview” idea.

(Dans les grandes lignes / en général) vs. (Dans le(s) détail(s) / en profondeur)

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