Non vorremmo mai venire a sapere che qualcuno non ci ha invitato alla sua festa.

English Translation

We would never know that someone hadn’t invited us to his party.

Would it be a correct statement that the word vorremmo here is not a condizionale presente of the English word want to match the English translation? Is there another English verb for volere besides want to clearly see this conjugation? Or it is a problem with the English translation? (Apologies for the confusing question).

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[details=“English Translation”]We would never know that someone hadn’t invited us to his party.[/details] This sentence feels awkward in the extreme. It’s a double negative and uses “venire” as an auxiliary. It feels more like grammatical gymnastics rather than a real thought. Wouldn’t it be simpler to say, “Se non fossimo invitati a una festa, non vorremmo saperlo.” ?


The Italian and English sentences do not match:

The correct translation of the Italian sentence is “We would never want to know that someone hasn’t invited us to his party”.

“Venire a sapere” means “get to know”, “discover”.