Nie znam jej i nie wydaje mi się, żebym chciał ją poznać.

I think a better translation would be ‘I do not know her and I do not think I want to meet her’.

Your suggestion makes perfect sense, “poznać” is indeed usually translated as “to meet”.

If I wanted to express the meaning of the Polish sentence as faithfully as possible given the context, I would probably go for “I do not know her and I do not think I want to get to know her”.

But once again, “poznać” can be used to mean both “meet someone in person; be introduced to someone" and “spend enough time with someone to learn what kind of person they are”, so we can’t really be sure which one it is in this case.

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Thank you for that alukasiak. I had seen poznać used in the context of ‘to (get to) know’ before but it didn’t make much sense until now. Thanks for the explanation.