Nie jest łatwo być zawsze uczciwym.

QUESTION - I’ve seen quite a few sentences on CM whereby the adjective is declinated according to noun case, even though the adjective is not accompanied by a noun and the adjective does not follow a preposition. I’d always thought that a ‘stand alone’ adjective in a sentence (no noun pairing and no preposition beforehand) does not become declinated, except by gender. Are there exceptions to this? Thanks!

English Translation

To be always honest is not easy.

I have always asked myself this question as well, but as I have been learning polish through the last years I’ve come to the conclusion that the adjective is usually declined into the instrumental case when the adjective refers to a subject that is not mentioned but is implied. In this I assume it would be something like “uczciwym (człowiekiem)”

Am I wrong in asssuming this? Any other takes more than welcome!

Yes that’s pretty much it :slightly_smiling_face: The subject (“człowiekiem”) is implied here, so we use the instrumental form of the adjective, because “człowiekiem” would also need to be in the instrumental in this context.