Nie dotarło do mnie = phrase = it never occurred to me / I was not aware / I didn’t realise
na = prep+L =
1] on (a surface). na stole = on the table.
2] at (an event). na koncercie = at the concert.
na = prep+Acc =
1] onto. położyć na stól = put on the table.
2] to (an event). iść na koncert = go to a concert.
3] for (a time) bilet na godzinę ósmą = a ticket for 8 o’clock. na ostatnią chwilę = until the last moment. raz na zawsze = once and for all.
4] for (a purpose) gotowy na wszystko = ready for everything.
5] at. = na samą myśl = at the very thought.
6] by (in oaths) = na Jowisza! by Jove!