New Collection: Spanish Idioms

We created a Spanish Idioms collection. It’s currently only available in the web app, we’re aiming to have it available for the mobile app within the next couple weeks. It also uses some new TTS voices. Curious to hear what you think if you try it out! Any and all feedback welcome. Should we create something similar for other languages?


Ciao @mike. Italian would be great! Grazie in anticipo!

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I remember this community course on Memrise that had not only idioms, but colloquialisms, common or useful phrases etc. -
6000 Intermediate Advanced :diamonds: Audio EXPRESSIONS

I always thought that it would be great to get something similar in other languages.

Personally, I’m more interested in common/useful phrases and colloquialisms rather than idioms, but it all adds to a rich learning experience.


After listening through a fraction of the sentences, I’d say there’s a bit of everything you’re asking for. :+1:

Updated to add: I’m already addicted to this new collection. I especially appreciate that the Spanish sentences appear to be original and not translations from English; this makes them a lot more genuine.

This is great learning material, at least for the advanced learner.

I only wish that the collection was available in the global search. @mike