Ne ho parecchi.

English Translation

I have several dozens of them.

Ne ho diverse dozzine. Meglio? Maybe the English translation has to be changed.

I would translate this as “I have quite a lot/quite a number of them.”


@barcarolle I think you’re right! :wink:

English Translation

I have several dozens of them.

We all seem to agree that the translation is wrong, and it was first pointed out over 3 years ago! Why hasn’t it been changed?

Ciao, I wonder if anyone has used the red report button. Certainly needs correcting! Will look out for it.

Evidently it is Tatoeba sentence #254834 and the translation was provided by “unknown”. Don’t know if this is any help.

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Looking at the Tatoeba sentence history, it turns out the English sentence came first, and then came this “translation” made by user giullina. Later on, Guybrush88 added the translation “Ne ho diverse dozzine”, which incidentally is the same as the suggested by @barcarolle.

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Interesting, ah well at least we’ve had a good look. Here’s hoping for a correction :wink:

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