Myślałem, że nie chcesz się do nas odzywać. (Sentence Note)

odezwać się (‑zwę ‑zwiesz odezwij) (pf), (impf) odzywać się = to say something, respond, speak up

English Translation

I thought you didn’t want to talk to us.

DeepL tells me odzywać się here can either mean “to hear from us” or “to speak to us”. What is the primary meaning of this verb? can it really have this dual sided meaning? Or is the fundamental aspect of comunicating with someone the true meaning of this?

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I’m afraid DeepL is wrong on this one.

“Odzywać się” can only mean “to speak [to someone]”, “to contact [someone]”, “to get in touch [with someone]”. It can’t really mean “to hear [from someone]”.

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