English Translation
I wonder whether or not Tom is a vegetarian.
To break it down:
- mi: I
- wile sona: want to know (wile means “want” or “need”, sona means “know” or “understand”)
- e: a particle that marks the direct object
- ni: this
- jan Ton: person (jan) John (Ton)
- li: a particle which separates the subject from the verb
- moku: eat
- e: a particle that marks the direct object
- kili: fruit
- taso: only
- anu: or
- seme?: what?
So you can see how the language works. You start with the subject, separate it from the verb with “li” (unless the subject is “mi” or “sina”), and then follow with the object of the verb, marked with “e”. “anu” means “or” and “seme” is a way of asking a question - it could be translated as something like “what”, “which”, “who”, “when”, “where”, “how”, “why”, or similar, depending on the context. In this case, it’s more like “or what”.