Mi sei mancata un sacco.

I take it this is said by a female speaker?

Update: bad assumption!

Ah, I would’ve expected it to have been directed towards a female person, since I’d expect the ending of “mancata” to change according to the person corresponding to “sei”, but I guess I might easily be mistaken with regards to this.

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It looks as my assumption was wrong and “mancata” indeed refers to a female that has been missed, irrespective of by whom. Sorry about the confusion!

Nevertheless, it’s quite a strange structure, isn’t it? My dictionary doesn’t even mention this usage. Would it be safe to liken it with an instance of passato prossimo using essere, akin to “sei uscita”?

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Yes. “Sei uscita” means you left (or exited, or went out). “Sei mancata” means “you were missed”. “Mi sei mancata” means “You were missed by me” (that’s where the “mi” comes in) which is equivalent to I missed you, which is typically what you’d say in English.


Ciao Lea1123 e benvenuta. This is a really helpful and clear explanation. Like the construction for “piacere”, this always takes some practice.


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