Mi scuso per essere in ritardo.

English Translation

I’m sorry for being late.

would it be more common to say Excuse me for being late:
Mi scusa per essere in ritardo?


I think in English we would usually say “Sorry I’m late” or “Sorry for being late” but Italians I know generally use “Scusa per il ritardo” or more formally “Mi scuso/i per essere in ritardo” - “I apologise for being late”.

Input from madrelingua most welcome: -)


Correction! “Mi scuso per essere in ritardo” not /i…

I take “mi scuso” to be “I apologize” and “mi scusi” to be “excuse me” (a polite command). The handy thing about the former is that you don’t have the problem of choosing the correct form of address.

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Ehilà Morbrorper. I was correcting my 2024 post and even then wasn’t sure if I’d got it right so your summary is more than welcome👍.

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