Mein Gatte ist ein guter Mensch.

Gatte is very formal and perhaps archaic as well?

Not very formal yet formal (and not archaic).

English Translation

My husband is a good man.

It’s worth noting that the female equivalent is “die Gattin” (the wife), but it turns out there are a bunch of terms for this in German:

der Angetrauter / die Angetraute = the husband, the wife

der Ehemann / die Ehefrau = the husband, the wife

der Ehegatte / die Ehegattin = the husband, the wife

der Ehepartner / die Ehepartnerin = (literally “the marriage partner”)

der Lebensgefährte / die Lebensgefährtin (literally “the life companion”)

You can even say “meine bessere Hälfte” in German, to match the English “my better half”.

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