Maru est sorti de sous la table.

The English given for this sentence is “Maru crawled out from under the table”, and the French uses “est sorti” for the verb. What about “a rampé” here instead?

(It doesn’t fit the cloze exercise, because “est” is given before the blank, but I’m just wondering if it sounds okay in French.)

This is an interesting case.

So your guess about crawl out being translated to only “est sorti” is half right.

Actually this is the power of English phrasal verbs that don’t exist in French. And usually phrasal verbs, when they dont have a direct translation, end up being translated in 1 verb + a few adjectives, and the translation becomes unnatural or just too long.

Here there is no direct translation for crawl out. For to crawl there is ramper as you pointed out but for the “out” part, this is where it becomes tricky.
The most word-to-word exact translation would be:

  • Maru a rampé et est sorti de sous la table.
  • Maru est sorti en rampant de sous la table.

And these are not as natural as the translation provided at first.
Why is that? Because tables are usually about a meter high if not less, you obviously have to crawl to get out of it.
So the translator decided to drop the “crawl” part because it is common sense, and only translated the “out” part.

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Ah, thanks very much.