Mana yang paling kau sukai, bahasa Inggris, matematika atau musik?

English Translation

Which do you like better, English, maths or music?

The Indonesian sentence and its English translation were updated by the Clozemaster admin on September 25, 2022.

Old: Mana yang paling kau sukai, bahasa Inggris atau musik? = Which do you like better, English or music?

New: Mana yang paling kau sukai, bahasa Inggris, matematika atau musik? = Which do you like better, English, maths or music?

“Paling” in Indonesian means “the most”. I guess that’s why the admin inserted “matematika” to compare three choices. However, the English translation is still “better” (comparing two choices). It doesn’t match.

As the original sentence on Tatoeba is

Which do you like better, English or music?

The simplest way to correct the grammatical error is

Mana yang lebih kau sukai, bahasa Inggris atau musik? (i.e. replace “paling” = the most with “lebih” = more)

It you insert “matematika”, the cloze-word with the lowest frequency cannot be “sukai” anymore. So, I suggest the admin to revoke the update and simply replace “paling” with “lebih”.

Also, 4K Most Common Collection incorporated the updated one, but Random Collection hasn’t done yet.