Lui avrà piacere ad aiutarla.

English Translation

He will be pleased to help you.

How idiomatic is this expression? On Reverso I can find masses of examples of “sarà contento…” or “lieto”, but hardly any of “avrà piacere…”

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I read this as just another way of saying “he will be pleased (have pleasure) to help her/you”. Now you’ve got me thinking …

HI Floria. Yes - it didn’t strike me as odd either: I just looked it up on Reverso to find whether it was always used with “ad”. And instead it seems never really to be used at all! Strange!

There’s lots of info on WordReference for Mi piace etc. Eg …

Ho vinto alla lotteria". “Mi fa piacere” (I’m glad you did, I’m glad about it) :ballot_box_with_check:
“Ho vinto alla lotteria”. “Mi piace” X

“Mi fa piacere che tu abbia vinto” :ballot_box_with_check:
“Mi piace che tu abbia vinto” X

“Questo vino mi piace molto” :ballot_box_with_check:
“Questo vino mi fa piacere molto” X

This may not be exactly what we need but it’s worth having a look.

Oh dammit, ticks and crosses have changed to (image) which isn’t helpful. I will try to amend after lunch. (Fa piacere also means glad). DONE👍