English Translation
The bathroom is downstairs.
Doesn’t rez-de-chaussée mean ground floor (UK/Commonwealth) / first floor (US)?
The bathroom is downstairs.
Doesn’t rez-de-chaussée mean ground floor (UK/Commonwealth) / first floor (US)?
The bathroom is on the ground floor.
In the US, ground floor and first floor are synonymous. Either can be used and no one I know would think anything about it. I don’t know about the UK.
The issue with this is that you could be in the basement and then the correct translation would not be “downstairs”. The English translation is incorrect.
I was only commenting about what ground and first floor meant in the US.
On reverso, here are the listed definitions for rez-de-chaussée:
ground floor, main floor, first floor, downstairs, ground-floor (etc)
I don’t love the English translation either, but evidently downstairs is one of the listed meanings. It could be correct if you were on an upper floor.
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