Lei manca di fiducia.

English Original Sentence

She lacks confidence.

I read the English as “she’s not very self-confident”. If that’s true, does the Italian convey the same meaning? (I’m not a native English speaker.)


I also read the English sentence as you do.

The Italian sentence is a bit ambiguous, it may work as a translation of that.

I would use either “Le manca la fiducia in se stessa.” or “Non ha autostima”. The latter is actually “she has no self-esteem”, but I think it works as a synonymous.


I am also not a native speaker, but I think there is a difference.
I may totally lack confidence in certain situations - e.g. while dancing or talking in Italian :roll_eyes: - but that does not harm my self-esteem, unjustly or not.

Therefore it seems to me that without context the sentence is ambiguous in both languages.


I am a native speaker! :smiley:

Yes, I agree, without context it is ambiguous in English too.

It could, as you say, mean that she generally has high self esteem, but lacks faith in her ability to ride a unicycle without falling off.

That said, in the absence of any context, I would probably read it as saying that she lacks (self) confidence generally.