English Translation
You worked more than I did.
Lei ha lavorato più di me. You worked more than I did.
If it is “formal you” here, as the answer suggests, shouldn’t it be “Lei hai lavorato più di me?”
You worked more than I did.
Lei ha lavorato più di me. You worked more than I did.
If it is “formal you” here, as the answer suggests, shouldn’t it be “Lei hai lavorato più di me?”
No, if the pronoun is formal, the verb has to be 3rd person.
Thank you, I had forgotten this particular rule. So many many rules …
Ciao! A little bit of Avere : Io ho, tu hai, lui/lei/formal Lei ha. Hope this helps. (Oops Station2Station, I came in a bit late here, mi dispiace).
Good to see you MRgK!
Da tanto in tanto oso farlo.