Jest rozmiarów małego samochodu.

rozmiar mi.noun = extent, size, dimension, proportion. pl magnitude

Jest rozmiarów małego samochodu - literally, it’s the dimensions of a small car

English Translation

It’s the size of a small car.

why the use of rozmiarów here and not rozmiaru? when using this noun is it more common to use the plural instead? and what about wielkość? could one use wielkości instead? would it be more common?

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I imagine it’s plural because length, width and height are three dimensions.
In german we also use the plural (“Maße” or “Abmessungen”).

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@pitti42 is partially right, rozmiary is very often used in plural to express that the size is multidimensional, but I’d caution not to overthink it too much, it’s stylistic more than anything not unlike dimension/dimensions, but in Polish it’s also used for size. Someone may ask “Jaki nosisz rozmiar?” and you might answer with “45” for shoes or “M” for a T-shirt or “32/30” for pants.

Yes, @jovimcg, you could use wielkość here just as well. It would indeed assume genitive, so “Jest wielkości małego samochodu”. Neither sounds more correct or common to my ear, I’d consider them completely interchangeable in this context. Note: you can say something is “mniejszych/większych rozmiarów” but you can’t say “większej/mniejszej wielkości”.

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