English Translation
I don’t know what to do here.
Wouldn’t it be Je ne sais pas quoi faire ici, and not que faire?
I don’t know what to do here.
Wouldn’t it be Je ne sais pas quoi faire ici, and not que faire?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I suspect that your suggestion is more grammatical. However, if you were hanging with your buds down the local bar your buds would think you were an ass for speaking like that. Alternatively, if you were trying to impress your boss things would be different.
I think both phrases are correct and common.
Possibly ‘que’ would be more frequent when the negation ‘pas’ is dropped, but to my (non-native fluent) ears, they are more or less equivalent.
Contrary to what was suggested, I think ‘que’ might be considered a more literary form.
I don’t know what to do here.
This is what ChatGPT says about it: ““quoi” is the correct word because it introduces an indirect question about what action to take. “Que” would not fit this context and is more appropriate in direct questions or as a relative pronoun.”
I had to laugh because I have friends who care deeply about this type of distinction and will correct you if you mix up “less” and “fewer” in English.