Jari Tom terbakar setelah tidak sengaja menyentuh wajan penggorengan yang panas.

English Translation

Tom burned his fingers on a hot frying pan.

According to the source, the Indonesian sentence was translated from the English sentence. But they don’t match.

The (unnatural) word-for-word translation of the Indonesian sentence would be:

Tom’s fingers were burned after unintentionally touching a hot flying pan.

The English translation should include the meaning of “tidak sengaja” (not intentional).

According to three native speakers on HiNative, “terbakar setelah tidak sengaja” sounds unnatural in this context for the following reasons:

  1. The prefix “ter-” itself has the connotation of “unintentionally”. “Tidak sengaja” (unintentionally) is redundant.
  2. “Terbakar” (root: “bakar”) suggests that Tom’s fingers were directly grilled over fire. But he had a burn on his fingers by “touching” a hot pan. Several native speakers recommended me to use “terkena” (caught illness etc.) or “terluka” (injured).
  3. “Setelah” means “after/subsequent to”. I don’t think it’s a good conjunction to explain the cause of injury.

Here is a similar sentence structure questioned in the HiNative thread:

ENG: I accidentally had a burn on my fingers with hot water during watching an Olympic softball game on TV.

Unnatural IDN: Jariku terluka bakar karena air panas sambil menonton pertandingan sofbol Olympiade di TV.

Natural IDN 1: Jariku terluka karena terkena air panas saat menonton pertandingan sofbol olimpiade di TV.

Natural IDN 2: Jariku terkena luka bakar karena air panas saat menonton pertandingan sofbol Olimpiade di TV.

Natural IDN 3: Jariku terluka akibat air panas saat menonton pertandingan olimpiade sofbol di TV.