Jag lånade honom lite pengar, men han har inte betalat tillbaka dem än.

English Translation

I lent him some money, but he hasn’t returned it yet.

As a scholar guessing “dem” is the missing word for “it” was hard. I’m guessing Money is being treated as plural here - but is this the best way of phrasing this?

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Money (pengar) is always plural in Swedish, so this is OK. You can omit dem if you wish.


Morning. Yes, I’ll be omitting it! Just doesn’t make sense to my brain. Tack!


You need to get used to the idea of the plurality of money :slight_smile:

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Think you may have misunderstood me - I have no issue with money being plural - it’s the “dem” part I can’t wrap my head around. :grinning:

If the word means “them” or, as a determiner, “those”, then I struggle with the idea that, in this context, it can mean “it”.

It just feels clunky to me (not that I’m anywhere close to being an expert). So it’s nice to know that I can drop it


I agree that as a cloze word it’s a bit unfortunate.