Itu tidak boleh!

English Translation

That’s wrong!

The author from Tatoeba updated the Indonesian sentence:

OLD: Itu tidak boleh! = (lit.) That’s not allowed!

NEW: Itu salah! = (lit.) That’s wrong!

English Translation

That’s not allowed!

But is “Itu tidak boleh!” an acceptable phrase in Indonesian?

Yes, both of the Indonesian sentences are natural, I think. The Indonesian-English pair simply doesn’t match.

In this case, the Tatoeba author of “translation” from the parent sentence (i.e. derivative work) is responsible for fixing the problem. Most of the ID-EN pairs on Tatoeba were translations from English (or Japanese) to Indonesian. That’s why the Indonesian author from Tatoeba updated their work.

Clozemaster doesn’t need to follow the same procedure. So, CM may keep the Indonesian sentence by correcting the English sentence.

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English Translation

That’s wrong!

Seeing this sentence again, it struck me that perhaps a better translation of
Itu tidak boleh might have been, “that can’t be”, or better yet, “no way!”
Just a thought…

“No way!” is usually translated as “Tidak mungkin!”

  • Boleh talks about the eligibility.
  • Mungkin (or “kemungkinan”) talks about the probability or feasibility

Here is the summary of definition by KBBI

Boleh - (adv) be allowed/permitted; not prohibited