Hi, a returning Clozemaster user here. It’s great to see so much new stuff, I am excited by the new functions and the grammar collections and overall growth I see. Thank you! I also love that Clozemaster is not falling for the horrible AI trends, which still leave a lot to be desired in quality and reliability.
There is one thing, that is not clear to me: Do the collections overlap?
To explain: let’s say I get through the “1000 most common words” collection. Will a part of the sentences be also the same in a few others and marked as Mastered? Will those be in the lower level “100 most common words”? Will they also be in another collection “Fast Track Level 2” or “Pronouns”?
Or are all the collections full of original sentences?
Both options are great, the second means more content, the first would just need synchronisation, to not relearn uselessly the same stuff (but it would surely be very motivating to see progress all over CM).
The “x most common words” collections don’t overlap with each other. But the sentences are re-used in other collections, like the Legacy Fast Fluency Track or the grammar-focused collections like “Pronouns”. But the sentence in “Pronouns” won’t be marked as mastered just because you mastered the same sentence in another collection. The sentences may be re-used across collections but their progress is tracked individually per collection.
Thank you, good to know!
I would prefer the re-used sentences to be tracked together, but it is a small detail and it’s nice to know it’s not that way and seeing the same sentence again from 0 is not just my bad memory