Io ho agito secondo i miei principi.

English Translation

I acted up to my principles.

Our dear Carla makes two pronunciation mistakes in one sentence: à‧gi‧to, prìn‧ci‧pi→a‧gì‧to, prin‧cì‧pi. :fearful:

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Oh no, perhaps she’s distracted by the arrival of “Sofia”. Will look for it and listen. Mind you, I don’t understand the English translation either;-)

Just listened and I have to say I too would have said àgito e prìncipi because it comes more naturally - viviamo e impariamo no?! :wink:

Have a good June… :wave:


Eh, eh! princìpi e prìncipi are two different words, as are àgito and agìto:

prìncipi means “princes” while “princìpi” means “principles”.

àgito is a form of “agitare” (to shake, first person present tense) while “agìto” is the past participle of “agire”, to act.

The pronunciations are valid, just not in this context.

“ho àgito” could have been detected, as that is not grammatically valid.

with “principi”, it is grammatically valid, but…

“I acted according to my princes” or “according to my principles”? uhmmm…


Why not, it is a useful sentence both ways.

Q: “Why did you stay on the throne for seventy years?”
A. “Io ho agito secondo i miei principi.”

:grinning: (Please, no offense intended).

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Yes indeedy, I understand principi, it is just my poor pronunciation that was brought home to me and would have caused confusion to anyone listening.

But I had forgotten about àgito and agitare - so thanks for reminding me. It all makes sense now;-)