なら in 君のためなら何でもする

What does なら in 君のためなら何でもする mean exactly?
(Translation: I will do anything for you)

Hi @Nearos and welcome!

keep in mind I am a student like you, but I think I can answer this.

「なら」 is used to make a conditional statement.

Think of it as “In the case of…” or “if…”.
In this case: “If it is for your sake, I will do anything”. This sounds redundant in English, so “If it is” was omitted in the translation.


Another strange sentence… The original author just wanted to use the phrase なら and forgot to remove “なら in”.

Anyway, as @mike-lima explained, なら means “in case of” or “if”. As a native Japanese speaker, let me give you an additional explanation. The formal written version of なら is ならば, and we often drop ば in a casual conversation.

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