Il cacciatore ha sparato a un orso.

English Translation

The hunter shot a bear.

How would one make clear that the hunter shot the bear dead? Ha abbattuto un orso?


Good question…

“Ha abbattuto un orso” could work. “Abbattere” means to kill an animal, to slaughter an animal.

“…ha sparato a un orso e lo ha ucciso” or “ha ucciso un orso con un colpo di fucile”.

Or you chose if it is more important the shooting part or the killing part.

“Il cacciatore ha ucciso un orso” leaves out that he shot at it first, but, well, he is a hunter…


Sorry, but I still do not understand it completely.
I came across a similar sentence:
“Gli hanno sparato ieri” = “They shot him yesterday”
Does it mean that the translation “They shot at him yesterday” is also valid?

There are three cases : Shoot and kill, shoot and hit, shoot and miss.

“They shot him yesterday” is only case one, isn’t it?"
They shot at him yesterday" is case two or three.
“Gli hanno sparato ieri” is case one or two? Or all three?

Maybe my problems arise from the fact that we have three different constructions in German (nothing to be proud of :slightly_frowning_face:)

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“Gli hanno sparato” does not in itself imply any result. So it can be used for all three of the listed meanings. but I think even “shoot at someone” does not state the result of the shooting.

If the effect of the shooting is not clear from the context, I guess I would start by stating the effect, and then specify the weapon:

“È stato ammazzato a colpi di pistola” or “è stato ferito con un’arma da fuoco”.

Or “Gli hanno sparato, ma ne è uscito illeso” (they shot hat him but he was unharmed) in case the target was missed.

Here someone asked about the transitive use of “sparare”:

It is noted that in some regions due to local language influences, it is used as in sense one above, but that it is not considered grammatical correct. So, you shouldn’t see that in official news sources, or by a large part of the Italian population