Ikenna, a youtuber with 671.000 subs in youtube has mentioned Clozemaster in a video called " 5 Best Language Learning Apps 2020" Here is the link: 5 Best Language Learning Apps 2020 - YouTube
It’s really nice that one of the biggest language learning youtubers has mentioned Clozemaster in a list like that. I hope this will make Clozemaster’s community grow even more!
Great news! Thanks for this clip adrianxu. I’ve quickly become very loyal to this well-run (and grown-up) site and recommend it as often as possible. I belong to an Italian forum and talk about CM there too. Bravo ClozeM!
Hmm, veeery interesting. ACat for Cloze! Thanks for posting this. At the end of the day, it’s what suits you personally I suppose. I tend to be turned off by language sites with free chat forums and few good moderators; they easily turn into irrelevant chat and dating/grooming forums, not to mention spam and bullying. The chat then becomes the Reason instead of the Language.
I was concerned that he kept saying Memorise instead of Memrise but in general his ratings seemed pretty spot-on AFAIK. Glad to see Clozemaster doing so well - somehow Cloze inspires me to stay loyal, perhaps because Mike and the Team are so contactable and friends n followers are so encouraging!