Ich weiß nicht, wieso ich hier bin.

English Translation

I don’t know why I’m here.

Cloze sentences seem to prefer “wieso” to “warum” pretty consistently. Is this a regional preference perhaps?


Not that I know of? To me they’re absolutely interchangeable. So coincidence perhaps?

English Translation

I don’t know why I’m here.

That’s interesting, I have noticed it as well. Based on my exposure to German “wieso” seems to be much more common than “warum” and not just on Clozemaster. To be fair though, I haven’t had that much exposure to German yet :slight_smile:

But still… This is something I have been paying attention to and so far, it’s not even close. I’d say 90% wieso -10% warum.

Maybe it’s regional? Generational? Educational?

I agree with @pitti42. Both words are used synonymously/interchangeably. I’m not aware of a difference.

They’re roughly equally common. If one is more common on Clozemaster than the other, I’d say it’s coincidence or a bias that many of the „Why“ sentences where created by the same person (with a personal preference).

Another alternative: „weshalb“