Ich habe mir gerade den Zeh gestoßen.

English Translation

I just stubbed my toe.

Why ‘the toe’ rather than ‘my toe’?

Take a look at the discussion of this sentence:


There was a discussion about this type of construction last year -

In that thread @pitti42 and @davidculley explain that using the German equivalent of “my foot/toe” makes it sound as though it isn’t part of your body, but just something that you own.

From that thread I also learned this colourful expression -

Ich werde dir die Fresse polieren. - I’ll smash your face! (“I’ll polish your piehole!”)


You beat me to it by seconds.

Now it just looks like I’m copying your homework :cry: :rofl:

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Nah, you wrote a little more, so it was worth it. :wink:

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