Ich habe es satt, darauf zu warten, dass etwas passiert.

English Translation

I’m tired of waiting for things to happen.

why is it not “etwas zu passieren”??

The topic you want to search for is called “Pronominaladverb” (singular) / “Pronominaladverbien” (plural). Lessons about that topic explain words like “darauf” and “darüber”.

You can’t translate word for word literally. Each language developed indipendently from each other, each with their own constructs.

  • English has: “for [something] to [something]”
  • German has: “darauf [optionally something], dass [something]”

This particular sentence is short for:

“Ich warte darauf, dass etwas passiert. Das habe ich satt.”

To make it sound more fluid, you combine these two sentences into one. Maybe you can already see why it’s not “zu passieren” but “passiert”.

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