Ich bin sicher, dass er eine ehrliche Haut ist.

This is just some kind of idiom or expression?

According to dict.cc, “ehrliche Haut” is an expression that means something like “straight shooter” in English, but it’s pretty far down the page, so I’m not sure how common this expression is: dict.cc | haut | English Dictionary

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It’s pretty common. Well, common enough. I don’t know how much use you see today, but at least the latest quote on dwds is from 2019, so it seems it hasn’t died out yet:

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It’s Peter from Stuttgart.



Sorry, please forvige my little joke :pleading_face: .

It’s one of my favourite Annett Louisan songs - Die ehrliche Haut.

Here’s a link to the lyrics -
Annett Louisan – Die ehrliche Haut Lyrics | Genius Lyrics