Ich bin froh, dass es dir besser geht.

English Translation

I’m glad that you are feeling better.

Can someone please explain why “es” is required in the sentence?

Consider some similar English sentences:

“It’s going really well for me at the moment.”
“All in all, I’d say it’s looking up for me.”
“Hey, cheer up, it’s not so bad.”

Now think about the word “it” in all three of those sentences. In principle, it’s the same usage as “es” here in German.

Es geht mir besser = “I’m doing better” (but literally: “it’s going better for me”)

Ich bin froh, dass es dir besser geht = “I’m glad that you are feeling better” (but literally: “I’m glad that it’s going better for you”)

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Well explained.

In case you said “Geht mir besser” (without es) instead of “Es geht mir besser”, it would be similar to saying “Is going better for me” (without it) instead of “It is going better for me”.

You need es in German just like you need it in English.