I miei amici stanno a Livorno.

English Translation

My friends are in Livorno.

Why “stanno” instead of “sono”?
Thanks in advance.

Hi. This may be helpful: Use Stare to indicate location, health and appearance etc whereas Essere is used to talk about Self, nationality, job, in general a state of being. When in doubt use Essere but I happily leave a better explanation to others.

eg Sono di Inghilterra - Sto bene grazie;-)

English Translation

My friends are in Livorno.


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It may be a regional preference. For example, the Neapolitan local language uses “stare” as in Spanish

For myself, when seing “stanno a Livorno” I think “they are staying”, so either they live there, or are there and they are going to be there for a while (maybe at a hotel).