How to load new custom lists easily..?

Could have sworn that there was an easy way to drop long files of new sentence/new translation into the program, but damned if I can work it out.

Like this:
He tangata kai paipa koe, ēhara rānei?
Are you a smoker, or not?

(and so on) (with the idea being that the program then automatically sets up the clozes for you)

If there’s anyone with the time and inclination to explain it to someone who is only barely computer literate, I’d be obliged.


What have you tried / where have you looked? That will help us improve things so it’s easier to find.


On the dashboard, for a custom collection, my “sino que” collection in this case, top right there’s a button with 3 dots > Add Sentences.

and that brings up the options to add sentences.

If none of those are what you have in mind, please let me know what you’re trying to do and perhaps we can figure out some way to make it possible.

Hi, yes, that is the control panel that I tried to use.

I thought I had seen someone in these forums describing copying a list of sentences/translations, just as I described, into one of these options, where they would be processed and ready for use quickly and easily.

So I copied my whole document into the third option, paste in text, but it just turned every single line into a cloze question.

So I tried turning the document into an SRT – nothing. Tried putting in tabs as described in the instructions – nothing.

Just to be clear, I really don’t understand computers, they stress me out, even just trying to describe this is making me feel sick.

If you’re able to understand what I’m trying to ask, and help me in a way that I can understand, that would be great. If I have to understand computer stuff in order to do this, you might as well just not even reply.

I will say, however, that the way I’ve always made custom sets before – one line of the time, putting in brackets for the selected word – is wearying and prohibitively time-consuming, and I’m not going to do it anymore.

If this easier method I’m talking about is just something I’ve imagined, you might consider trying to institute it, because otherwise it’s just too boring and confusing.

Okay, thanks.

Thanks for the reply and sorry for the trouble! Short term - if you email 1) what you’re trying to get added, 2) the language pairing, and 3) the name of the collection to, we can help you out. From there / longer term we’ll try to figure out if using what already exists might doable or if we can get something implemented.

Cloze gives you the option to import from spreadsheet CSV files. Has anyone tried this?

ATM I have several sheets of sentences from a flashcard app in Goggle Sheets that I’m trying to get formatted correctly to drop into Cloze.

I’ve had success uploading large TSV files, coming close to the 1 MB limit. If an error occurs, you’ll discover that the diagnostics are terrible, though.

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Yes, many times. What format do your spreadsheets have?


I was thinking of just saving a sheet as CSV from Google Sheets and dropping that in. Keep it simple by putting the ESP in the 1st column and ENG in 2nd column and thats it. I guess i need to indicate the missing word using {{brackets}} as specified by Cloze? Is that all i need?

The format I use has the full sentence in the source language in the first column, the translation in the second column, and the cloze in the third column. No brackets.

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By coincidence I uploaded a set of French questions just yesterday. I create them in Excel and save them as a text file. I always set the “save as” type to tab delimited rather than comma delimited, though; comma delimited is a pain in the backside if there are commas somewhere in the sentences.

There is one issue with that, however. Excel saves tab delimited files with a file extension of .txt. The Clozemaster uploader insists on the extension as being .tsv. (Which I’ve never seen any program use in my experience, but, eh, whatever, it’s easy to change it.)

That’s correct; the {{}} brackets are only for manual entry. There are two additional columns; Pronunciation, and Note. I often use the 5th one but not the 4th one. Annoyingly (well, slightly so anyway) there is no field option for alternative answers. The collection that I loaded yesterday was for numbers, for which I used the spelled out version. Would the speech option recognise, for example, “douze” as the cloze? Nope. I had to go and add “12” as an alternative answer. For eeeeevery question in the collection I had to punch in the numeric representation of the number as an alternative answer since I didn’t have the option of loading it up as part of the original load. But to be fair… that IS an edge case.

On the other hand, I can’t find a way to make “Paste In Text” work usefully.

That’s what I found as well; there seems to be no way to paste in sentence and translation pairs using that method. All you can do is sentences. My preference is just to work in Excel and save a copy as a tab delimited file.