Ho trasportato oggetti di ferro, ma non ho trovato niente di più pesante di un debito.

[details=“English Translation”]I carried iron, but didn’t find anything heavier than debt.[/details] I sometimes run across a sentence that make no absolutely no sense and have to wonder if it is a non sequitor or if it contains an idiomatic phrase that I might need to recognize in my studies. Does anyone recognize this as something or is it just nonsense?


I think the intended meaning of the English sentence is something like “I have carried iron, but I find that nothing is heavier than debt.” Does that make more sense?


They often include quotes - from poems, songs, films, etc. Googling this lead me first to the feed for Kevin De Bruyner’s twitter page (I’m not a Man City fan, but I love KDB!)…and further looking into this revealed this seems to be part of a quote from one of the works of Imam Ali:

" I tasted all that is sweet, but I found nothing sweeter than good health. And I tasted all that was bitter, but nothing was more bitter than being in need of good people. And I carried both, iron, and rocks, but nothing was heavier than debt…"


Hi Hab638! I googled it and that is what I have got: i carried iron but nothing is heavier than debt - Google Search .


Hi hab638. Good to see you again. I concur with all the others.

In bocca al lupo with your studies!

Imam Ali quote: He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere. Written by a man who lived in 6th century AD but it sounds so contemporary. Brilliant!

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And more latterly “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”. (Corleone).


Google says it is Sun Tzu, the Chinese general who lived in 5th century BC who said that. So, niente è nuovo sotto il sole. Great discussion everyone!

But when Al Pacino said it, mamma mia, ho ascoltato;-D