Greek languege seems to be massively neglected :(

Hi everyone! I absolutely love Clozemaster and learned a lot thanks to it. But I wanted to ask why is Greek language receiving so little attention, compared to some other, even less popular languages? I already accepted that we will probably not get any grammar challenges for Greek, even though it would be so incredibly useful due to the complexity of this language. Languages such as Lithuanian, Welsh, Serbian, etc. already got the new Fast Fluency Track, while it doesn’t seem like we’ll see it in Greek any time soon… Why is it so?

Another sign of neglect is that when going through the sentences, whenever I see a mistake, I report it - but so far none of these sentences have been corrected, even though my first reports were made more than a year ago… Does it make any sense to report them in this case? Or should I just give up?



Thanks for the post!

  • The new Fast Track should be out for Greek in the next couple weeks - it’s all translated, we just need to get it imported.
  • We don’t currently have a dedicated moderator for Greek, so reports are a bit slower to be handled, but please do continue to report any issues - we’ll get the sorted as soon as possible.
  • What Grammar Challenges would you like to see?

Ok, thanks a lot for the info! I’ll wait patiently and will keep reporting mistakes :slightly_smiling_face:

For the grammar challenges, I can think of many useful and helpful ones, such as:

  • different groups of verbs with their conjugation patterns, there are MANY!
  • irregular verbs
  • noun’s cases, in Greek there are many noun groups and each of them has its own declension pattern
  • prepositions (which have to be followed by nouns in a correct case)

It would be amazing to be able to practice them!



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Declensions of adjectives would also be useful. I’m an advanced learner, but still make mistakes with those.