Going crazy with the TRANSCRIBE feature!?

So I’m fairly new to Clozemaster pro and I use transcribe or speech input most of the time. However, I found with the transcribe option I’m having to hit space bar twice after the first word but not with words thereafter. This is hugely annoying for someone who has been typing on a keyboard for a living for years. Anyone else using transcribe and having this problem?

Welcome! Firstly thanks for reminding me to spend more time on Transcribe. Tried it today, greatly enjoyed it, and had no problems with input. Jfi, I work mostly on a Samsung tablet with standard keyboard so not sure if that makes any difference. Regards meantime.

Thanks for the welcome Floria7 :smiley: You know I still find it impossible to believe that from prior learning I had very little problem reading Lord of the Rings in Spanish and can generally be understood when I go to Spain, but still I struggle greatly with comprehension! So after too many unfinished conversations with Spaniards, I decided it’s time for me to nail this once and for all with heaps of listening practice. And its working on Cloze!!! Anyway, I tend to use my PC and keyboard for input. Reason being in Windows settings I found I can override Cloze’s voice with a good Spain Spanish alternative. So I just tried it on my tab and no problems with spaces but I have to use Cloze’s voice… :pouting_cat:

Ah, I know the feeling. I chat away quite happily n confidently when in Italy, even using the congiuntivo, but soon as they reply, oh no, a very different story. So with Cloze I try to switch input methods, Listening, Transcribing etc. There is so much to choose from, and the offline mode is great. ClozeM is definitely my No.1, so glad you’re enjoying it.

Ps. Just a thort, I think it helps me a lot to spend time on Listening (hard or easy) so I don’t have to worry so much about exact typing, but that’s just me;-)

I just tried it for Swedish (website on iOS) and did not have the problem.

Do you mean tablet by “tab” (as compared to your Windows PC)? Did you use its virtual touch keyboard or your hardware keyboard?

I think the problem is actually because the French sentences (I’m doing Fluency Fast Track 1), there is an extra space at the end for questions, which is getting counted as part of the required translation, so for instance, we have “Pourquoi s’en soucier ?” and the space after “r” and before “?” is expected. This also occurs for things that have exclamation points at the end, where there is also an extra space. For statements that end in periods, there is no extra space so this isn’t a problem.

So if I just type in the correct sentence without the space and hit enter, it fails me, but if I add an extra space, it auto-accepts the answer.