Freut mich, Sie zu treffen.

English Translation

Nice to meet you.

Would anyone ever say this?

“Treffen” is meet as in “to meet with someone,” but getting to know someone is “kennenlernern,” which is what is always taught in the German expression “Pleased to meet you.”

You’re right. This sounds like a literal translation that noone would actually say. Or at least is less common than “kennenlernen”. It’s not wrong per se.

English Translation

Nice to meet you.

Maybe it can work in the context of running running into someone per chance?
E.g.: “Hallo @pitti42! Freut mich, Sie (hier/heute) zu treffen”

And if that’s the case, would “begegnen” also work?

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Maybe it can work in the context of running running into someone per chance?
E.g.: “Hallo @pitti42! Freut mich, Sie (hier/heute) zu treffen”

Yes, that absolutely works and is actually preferrable in that situation. :+1:

And if that’s the case, would “begegnen” also work?

Yes, but I feel that “begegnen” carries a little more unexpectedness and surprise.
You could for example say “Ich hatte nicht erwartet, Ihnen hier zu begegnen!”