File-le !

English Translation

Follow him.

Filer, verb: Marcher derrière (qqn), suivre pour surveiller (filature).

English Translation

Follow him!

from WordReference: suivre secrètement

  • "Filer" can indeed be used to mean “suivre secrètement”,
    but I have never heard anyone say “File-le !” to mean “Follow him!” (not even in movies/books).

"Prendre en filature" is an expression you may actually come across, which basically means the same thing.

  • "Filer" can also be used to mean “donner” (familiar register). In fact, before I saw the English sentence, I thought this was the meaning here.

  • "Suivre" is the most common way to say “to follow”, and “Follow him!” would be “Suis-le!” or “Suivez-le!” (polite or plural you).


Perfect, many thanks.

Is there a better translation for file-le? I have read “file-le“ is abrupt and a bit authoritarian, like, “Hand it over.“ Do you have something better than that? Thanks in advance.

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You would typically use “File-le” ou “File-le-moi” with people you know (very) well.

Do not use it with someone you just met… :slight_smile:

File-le ! / File-le-moi ! (familiar)
Donne-le-moi ! (neutral)
Donnez-le-moi ! (polite)

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