English Translation
It was not until then that I realized my mistake.
A useful article for distinguishing “(sich) merken” and “bemerken”:The meaning of "merken" | Your Daily German
It was not until then that I realized my mistake.
A useful article for distinguishing “(sich) merken” and “bemerken”:The meaning of "merken" | Your Daily German
Good hint.
Especially in this case a common error can be made:
Correct: “… bemerkt.” = (noticed, realized)
Wrong: “… gemerkt.” (= something like “sensed”)
However, in everyday spoken language “etwas merken” is often used.
Two people working together.
“Heute mach’ ich nur soviel wie nötig.”
“Ich merk’ das schon.”
(“Today I 'm gonna work just as much as necessary.” “Yeah, I can feel that.”)
Nobody would say “Ich bemerke das schon”.