È rimasto fedele ai suoi principi.

“He remained steadfast to his principles.”

I believe the meaning changes depending on where you lay the stress on “principi”. The audio stresses the first syllable, meaning “princes”.



Ciao morbrorper. Hai ragione, Google “how to say” tells me it’s princìpi. It comes naturally to say prìncipi doesn’t it, but after repeating it at least five times, I got it.

Thanks for highlighting this. I would probably have missed it! Tanti auguri e stammi bene…


This seems to have been corrected. I was just wondering if the word could not mean he remained steadfast to his “princes” too, if changing the pronunciation.

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Interesting sindaco! On several sites the accent seems to be the same, “princìpi” (oops, I’m repeating myself here, sorry). Perhaps we’re talking about Charles e i suoi principi W e H;-)

A dopo…

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I can still hear both Carla and Giorgio saying “prìncipi”. :thinking:

Ah, I have sadly lost access to Giorgio and Carla due to some browser issues recently, so I had the system voice, and I guess I mistakenly assumed it had been corrected for all.


@morbrorper e @sindaco Chatting on our Italian Forum, our madrelingua gave us this as a reminder so I thought it worth posting:

“Tutti i prìncipi devono avere dei princìpi”.

So perhaps Carla e Giorgio are in gamba here;-)