Du musst nicht unbedingt gehen.

English Translation

You don’t necessarily have to go.

We can slightly change the position of “nicht” here to drastically change the meaning of the sentence. “Du musst unbedingt nicht gehen” = You absolutely must not go.


In principle true, but although the sentence is grammically correct, nobody would ever say that. I cannot think of a sentence in which the combination “… unbedingt nicht …” sounds right.
You can either say
“Du musst unbedingt bleiben” = “You absolutely must stay.”
“Du darfst keinesfalls gehen” which is near to “You absolutely must not go,”

An additional problem is that in English “must not” is not the exact logical opposite of “must” but “do not have to” is, whereas in German “musst” und “musst nicht” are logical opposites so you have to be careful with translating the negations.