English Translation
You’re a bread.
What does this mean exactly?
You’re a bread.
What does this mean exactly?
There’s no figurative meaning beyond the literal one. At least I have never heard such a thing in either german or english.
There is “dumm wie Brot” - “stupid as bread”
And I found some religious references: “Du bist das Brot, das den Hunger stillt. Du bist der Wein, der die Krüge füllt.”
But “Du bist ein Brot” just means what it says.
There are some comments against the English sentence (“You are a bread”) on Tatoeba.
The comments suggest that the original sentence in Japanese (“きみはパンダ。” meaning in English “You are a Panda”) could be ambiguous in spoken Japanese. The Japanese sentence was later unlinked from this set of sentences, leaving these pure literal translations.
I heard students use the expression “Du Brot” meaning “You are a grouch, a killjoy”.
I think this goes back to a depressive comic figure “Bernd, das Brot”.
But according to what zzguns found out, this was not intended here and it is a pure coincidence.