This is obviously bad Swedish. “Du är den vackraste flicka jag någonsin sett.”
I’m new here (so this may be a stupid question) but does anyone correct things like this? And by that I mean do they get picked up through the forum or do you have to report them some other way?.
No, it’s a relevant question. I sometimes receive mail about some correction that I’ve suggested in an error report, but they are not in proportion to the number of my reports. I don’t think anybody regularly monitors the forums for error reports, though.
I’m not even receiving email notifications on forum discussions (although my profile is set to receive them).
If I have a question about a sentence would you recommend using the discussion thread? Or should it be an email to Clozemaster? Picking your brains as you clearly know what you’re doing on here.
The discussion thread, definitely. Re email notifications, I think you will only receive them after some time, if you haven’t read the forums in the meantime. Since I check the forums quite often, I never get any.
Tack! As you can tell by the time it took me to reply - not having email prompts means i get distracted.
The “har” (in “jag har sett”) is optional and omitted in this sentence, correct?
An explanation for why it must be “Du är den vackraste flicka jag någonsin sett.” can be found here: