Die Behauptung des Mannes gegenüber dem hübschen Mädchen, er sei Millionär, war reiner Blödsinn.

English Translation

The man’s statement to the pretty girl that he was a millionaire was all eye-wash.

“Eye-wash” is a very odd way of phrasing this in English. Almost anything would be a better translation: nonsense, malarkey, lies, deception, BS, smoke and mirrors, horse puckey…

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“Eyewash” is probably related to german “Augenwischerei”.
Wiktionary also mentions “window dressing” as a synonym.

These all differ from simple nonsense in that they have a nuance of deception, right?

Maybe “eyewash” is not popular in all english speaking areas?

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I can’t say I’ve ever heard “eye-wash” used in this context. In England, it would be “you’re talking rubbish”, and in North America, “that’s BS” would probably be the most common way of calling someone out on deception.

That being said, there are many English-speaking regions in the world, so perhaps “eye-wash” is acceptable somewhere.

(By the way, I find it interesting that dict.cc lists “snow job” as a synonym for Augenwischerei - I haven’t heard “snow job” since the 1980s!)

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[details=“English Translation”]The man’s statement to the pretty girl that he was a millionaire was all eye-wash.[/details] Eye-wash is a weird translation. “Hogwash” would work better