Det ser ut som att alla från byn är här.

English Translation

It looks like everyone in town is here.

Should “byn” not be “stad”? I thought Byn only meant village, not town.

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The usage may be ironic, or influenced by Danish or Norwegian.


I think i shall ignore that one then… :smiley:

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You could make your own close using “staden”.

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Can you create an individual cloze? Or do you have to do it through Tatoeba? T

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Search for posts that explain how to create and add to a private collection.

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I tried that and there are 50 items - which I’ve been through and they mainly seem to be bug reports etc.

I think I’ve complained before that the “userguide” links (which came in my original sign up email) are really, really hard to find.

They really need to be on a menu tree of their own.

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Have shared a collection called “random”. You can now get your own back on me and tell me what I’ve done wrong!! :smiley: